To give you a better idea of my flying experience I've decided to write this post, including photos of all the aircraft types I've flow so far! In order to make it user friendly I've decided to keep the writing to a minimum and instead make a photo post!
1. The first type of aircraft i've flown was the Cessna 152.
I've flown this one several times.
Almost all my PPL instruction was done on the Cessna 152, in the following aircraft: CS-AYU, CS-AYX, CS-DDJ (1) and CS-ASO.
2. CS-DIH is a Cessna172R, the only one I've flown so far.
A few flights prior to my PPL exam and the exam itself were made on the Cessna 172 depicted above (2).
3. Piper Colt with more than 11.000 hours flying time and almost 50 years old.
I was able to fly this aircraft only once after finishing my PPL because a few months later the aircraft was sold to "Museu Aerofénix" a portuguese association responsible for keeping the "old gracious ladies" such as the Colt flying. Still it was the eldest aircraft and the eaiest i've flown so far.
4. Piper Cherokee 180.
I've made a few IFR flights on G-AWXR with a couple of friends after having completed my CPL licence.
5. Piper Cherokee Arrow 200, a nice machine fit wth retractable gear and constant speed propeller.
One of my last flying experiences was taking the Piper Cherokee Arrow 200 for a couple of circuits. It is a neat machine with all the things one might need for a nice IFR navigation at a cruise speed of 140ktas (Knots True Air Speed). Unfortunately I haven't been able to fly it again, YET! :)
The aircraft described above are those I've flown for pleasure and entertainment, the ones below are those flown during my ATPL integrated course.
6. Socata TB200, 200bhp and constant speed propeller.
The TB200 is the starting aircraft for the flight instruction phase. There are roughly 75 hours to be flown on this aircraft, the majority of those are VFR. Only the last 3 flights are an introduction to IFR flying.
7. Socata TB20, 250bhp with retractable gear and constant speed propeller.
This is the aircraft used for advanced IFR flights, including many IFR manouvers and navigations. The students usually fly this aircraft for around 55 hours, which include the Intrument Rating examination and the Commercial Pilot Licence examination.
8. Piper Seneca V.
The last 20 hours are completed on this twin-engined "lady" which is capable of an economic cruise speed of 160Kias (knots indicated airspeed). Those 20 hours are done in order to obtain the Multi-engine rating. This is the flagship of the school and is a really simple thing to fly, regarding the size and the fact we have two engines to manage! It flyes smoothly and it is as simple to land as an aircraft can be.
The aircraft depicted on these 8 pictures are examples of the 8 types of aircraft I've flown. Naturally I've flown these and much more of the same type differing only on the registration marks.
References: All the photos are copyrighted by