Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recommended Reading

I decided to make a break on my adventure telling posts to let you know I've read the well known ASA's book about the Cessna Caravan: "Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with Wings". It was my selected reading during a month or so when I was in the USA. I stumbled upon this book while surfing around and decided to order it in the flick of an eye. I must say, if you are a Caravan fan, pilot or just a general aviation curious guy you will not regret buying this book. It is well written and full of interesting facts, good tips and good airmanship procedures regarding the Caravan and any other aircraft. If, as me, you always wanted to know everything there is about the Van and its operating procedures this is the book to choose.
The book is written as to evidence the progress of a flight and the reader will go through the chapters from the Preflight till the Approach and Landing and the Postflight. While one goes through each flight phase the specific details and procedures are described as well as some fun facts and stories and some tips one should bear in mind. And by the way those are good tips and reliable information as the book was put together by two deep Caravan connoisseurs and instructors.
I've always been interested in aviation bibliography and I am sure this was a good addition to my book collection.
If you are interested and want to know more or even order the book CLICK HERE.

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